Principal, Elisabeth Steele, LLC, Honolulu Hawaii
Elisabeth teaches lawyers around the world to communicate on camera. She is a sought-after speaker, virtual presence coach and CPD provider. Prior work experiences at the White House and the Federal Emergency Management Agency mean Elisabeth brings a sense of urgency and a focus on results to her work with high performing professionals. Elisabeth attended Carleton College and the Yale Law School. She is a member of the faculty at the University of Hawai’i at Manoa and a Lecturer in Law at the UHM Law School.
Elisabeth teaches lawyers around the world to communicate on camera. She is a sought-after speaker, virtual presence coach and CPD provider. Prior work experiences at the White House and the Federal Emergency Management Agency mean Elisabeth brings a sense of urgency and a focus on results to her work with high performing professionals. Elisabeth attended Carleton College and the Yale Law School. She is a member of the faculty at the University of Hawai’i at Manoa and a Lecturer in Law at the UHM Law School.