President of the NSW Court of Appeal, Sydney
The Honourable Justice Margaret Beazley AO was admitted as a solicitor in 1975 and called to the Bar the same year. She commenced her career at the Bar on the ninth floor of Selborne Chambers, where she was the only woman on her floor at the time, and was appointed Queen's Counsel in 1989. After a successful career at the Bar specialising in equity, commercial and administrative law, she was appointed to several judicial positions, and in 1993, was sworn in as a judge of the Federal Court of Australia. In 1996, she became the first woman appointed to the New South Wales Court of Appeal, and in March 2013, she was sworn in as the President of the NSW Court of Appeal, the first woman to hold this position.
The Honourable Justice Margaret Beazley AO was admitted as a solicitor in 1975 and called to the Bar the same year. She commenced her career at the Bar on the ninth floor of Selborne Chambers, where she was the only woman on her floor at the time, and was appointed Queen's Counsel in 1989. After a successful career at the Bar specialising in equity, commercial and administrative law, she was appointed to several judicial positions, and in 1993, was sworn in as a judge of the Federal Court of Australia. In 1996, she became the first woman appointed to the New South Wales Court of Appeal, and in March 2013, she was sworn in as the President of the NSW Court of Appeal, the first woman to hold this position.