Barrister, Forbes Chambers, Sydney
Stephen was called to the NSW bar in 1989 and appointed Senior Counsel in 2000. He is the chair of the Criminal Law Committee, NSW Bar Association. He is a member of the National Criminal La Liaison Committee, Law Council of Australia and Adjunct Professor of Law at the University of Sydney. He is also the General Editor of the Criminal Law Journal. He is also the author of Australian Criminal Law Justice (5th Edition 2014 with Mark Findlay and Stanley Yeo), Principles of Federal Criminal Law (3rd Edition 2015) and Uniform Evidence Law (11th Edition 2014)
Stephen was called to the NSW bar in 1989 and appointed Senior Counsel in 2000. He is the chair of the Criminal Law Committee, NSW Bar Association. He is a member of the National Criminal La Liaison Committee, Law Council of Australia and Adjunct Professor of Law at the University of Sydney. He is also the General Editor of the Criminal Law Journal. He is also the author of Australian Criminal Law Justice (5th Edition 2014 with Mark Findlay and Stanley Yeo), Principles of Federal Criminal Law (3rd Edition 2015) and Uniform Evidence Law (11th Edition 2014)
Featured Videos
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