Rohan has been a legal member of the New South Wales Mental Health Review Tribunal (MHRT) for 25 years. In that role, she has conducted hearings across many hospitals providing involuntary care to individuals with mental health challenges. As the presiding member of the Tribunal Rohan conducts both Mental Health Inquiries (the initial hearing) and also works with psychiatrists and other suitably qualified professionals conducting civil review hearings. The role of the Tribunal is to review the care and treatment of patients in declared facilities and to determine the least restrictive option consistent with safe and effective care.
Rohan completed her law degree at the University of New South Wales as a mature age student and since that time has been actively involved in the areas of diversity and equal opportunity. Her private legal practice covers a wide range of areas and is focused on ensuring the best and most practical outcomes possible in often difficult circumstances. Rohan has presented papers on Mental Health at Conferences in Amsterdam, Vienna and Prague. She has also been a guest presenter on multiple occasions at both UTS and WSU in Law and Mental Health and more recently presented at the University of Buckingham.
Rohan was the Managing Director of the Council for Equal Opportunity in Employment Limited for 14 years, a leading specialist employer association, where she focused on promoting productivity and equitable employment practices in workplaces. In addition to her part-time statutory appointment as a legal member of the MHRT, Rohan has also held positions in the field of Equal Employment Opportunity, initially at the NSW Water Resources Commission as EEO Coordinator and later at the University of NSW as Director EEO. In addition to her legal qualifications, Rohan has a Masters in Education and Psychology (First Class Honours).
Rohan completed her law degree at the University of New South Wales as a mature age student and since that time has been actively involved in the areas of diversity and equal opportunity. Her private legal practice covers a wide range of areas and is focused on ensuring the best and most practical outcomes possible in often difficult circumstances. Rohan has presented papers on Mental Health at Conferences in Amsterdam, Vienna and Prague. She has also been a guest presenter on multiple occasions at both UTS and WSU in Law and Mental Health and more recently presented at the University of Buckingham.
Rohan was the Managing Director of the Council for Equal Opportunity in Employment Limited for 14 years, a leading specialist employer association, where she focused on promoting productivity and equitable employment practices in workplaces. In addition to her part-time statutory appointment as a legal member of the MHRT, Rohan has also held positions in the field of Equal Employment Opportunity, initially at the NSW Water Resources Commission as EEO Coordinator and later at the University of NSW as Director EEO. In addition to her legal qualifications, Rohan has a Masters in Education and Psychology (First Class Honours).