Barrister – Sixth Floor Selborne Wentworth Chambers, Sydney
After completing an associateship with Justice Gaudron at the High Court and lecturing in public law, Naomi was admitted as a solicitor in 1998 and called to the Bar in 2002. There are three key strands to Naomi’s practice. First, she practises in public law including judicial and merits review, constitutional law and public interest immunity. Secondly, Naomi acts in inquests, special inquiries and disciplinary proceedings and has recently appeared as Counsel Assisting in a number of case studies in the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. Naomi also practises extensively in competition law and trade practices.
After completing an associateship with Justice Gaudron at the High Court and lecturing in public law, Naomi was admitted as a solicitor in 1998 and called to the Bar in 2002. There are three key strands to Naomi’s practice. First, she practises in public law including judicial and merits review, constitutional law and public interest immunity. Secondly, Naomi acts in inquests, special inquiries and disciplinary proceedings and has recently appeared as Counsel Assisting in a number of case studies in the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. Naomi also practises extensively in competition law and trade practices.