Barrister – Sir James Martin Chambers, Sydney.
Michael has a broad commercial practice with particular emphasis in the areas of contract, equity and corporations. In the context of corporations law, Michael’s practice focuses on director’s duties insolvent trading and members remedies, including remedies for oppression on the minority. Prior to being called to the bar Michael practiced as a solicitor at Allen, Allen and Hemsley. In addition to practicing as a full time barrister, Michael lectures the Law of Associations course for the Law Extension Committee at the University of Sydney. Michael is also the co author of Corporations and Associations Law: Principles and Issues 6th Edition LexisNexis 2015.
Michael has a broad commercial practice with particular emphasis in the areas of contract, equity and corporations. In the context of corporations law, Michael’s practice focuses on director’s duties insolvent trading and members remedies, including remedies for oppression on the minority. Prior to being called to the bar Michael practiced as a solicitor at Allen, Allen and Hemsley. In addition to practicing as a full time barrister, Michael lectures the Law of Associations course for the Law Extension Committee at the University of Sydney. Michael is also the co author of Corporations and Associations Law: Principles and Issues 6th Edition LexisNexis 2015.