Principal solicitor – HIV/AIDS Legal Centre, Sydney
Melissa joined the HIV/AIDS Legal Centre (HALC) in 2008. Prior to coming to the law, Melissa had a career in science, working in the UK and New Zealand. She is a registered migration agent and a member of the University of Sydney Human Ethics Committee. Melissa has particular interest in the intersection of HIV, public health, the law and the rights of the individual, and maintains an interest in the ongoing scientific research in relation to HIV and its treatment.
Melissa joined the HIV/AIDS Legal Centre (HALC) in 2008. Prior to coming to the law, Melissa had a career in science, working in the UK and New Zealand. She is a registered migration agent and a member of the University of Sydney Human Ethics Committee. Melissa has particular interest in the intersection of HIV, public health, the law and the rights of the individual, and maintains an interest in the ongoing scientific research in relation to HIV and its treatment.