Legal Services Commissioner, Office of the Legal Services Commissioner, NSW.
John is a respected senior criminal lawyer with more than 36 years’ experience, particularly for Aboriginal prople. Prior to taking up the position of Legal Services Commissioner in early 2015, John was the Chief Legal Officer of the Aboriginal Legal Service (NSW/ACT) for nine years. John has held senior positions in Legal Aid NSW and has worked in a suburban, generalist law practice. He was principal solicitor at the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody between 1987 and 1991, and in the years that followed he remained committed to ensuring its recommendations were implemented..
John is a respected senior criminal lawyer with more than 36 years’ experience, particularly for Aboriginal prople. Prior to taking up the position of Legal Services Commissioner in early 2015, John was the Chief Legal Officer of the Aboriginal Legal Service (NSW/ACT) for nine years. John has held senior positions in Legal Aid NSW and has worked in a suburban, generalist law practice. He was principal solicitor at the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody between 1987 and 1991, and in the years that followed he remained committed to ensuring its recommendations were implemented..