Creative Director, JAM Directions, Sydney
Jennifer Treur is creative director and owner of JAM Directions - an award winning creative production company based in Sydney. JAM consults to companies on Branding, Marketing and Online solutions.
Jennifer Treur is creative director and owner of JAM Directions - an award winning creative production company based in Sydney. JAM consults to companies on Branding, Marketing and Online solutions.
Featured Videos
- The 4 Key Pillars to Conveyancing Practice with Garth Brown and Jennifer Treur – Part 2
- The 4 Key Pillars to Conveyancing Practice with Garth Brown and Jennifer Treur – Part 1
- Aspects of Conveyancing with Garth Brown and Jennifer Treur
- Emergency Coastal Protection Works with Garth Brown and Jennifer Treur
- E-conveyancing, online settlements and fraud prevention with Garth Brown and Jennifer Treur
- Step by Step Guide to Operating a Successful Conveyancing/Legal Practice
- Risk Management Strategies for Conveyancing Practitioners
- Stigmatised Properties
- Defective non fire resistant cladding