Honorary Professorial Fellow, Faculty of Law, Humanities and the Arts, University of Wollongong
He was one of the founders of the Free University in Sydney in the late 1960s, an activist in the movement to democratise universities in the 1970s, a prominent New Left contributor to the writing of Australian history in the 1980s, and the editor of Labour History – A Journal of Labour and Social History in the 1990s. From the 1960s he taught in universities in Australia and the United States. He writes on colonial workers’ movements, Australia’s class structure, youth movements and youth policy, labour intellectuals, and radical democracy.
He was one of the founders of the Free University in Sydney in the late 1960s, an activist in the movement to democratise universities in the 1970s, a prominent New Left contributor to the writing of Australian history in the 1980s, and the editor of Labour History – A Journal of Labour and Social History in the 1990s. From the 1960s he taught in universities in Australia and the United States. He writes on colonial workers’ movements, Australia’s class structure, youth movements and youth policy, labour intellectuals, and radical democracy.