Barrister, Svenson Barristers, Melbourne

Dr Nadia Stojanova’s practice focuses on employment law, industrial relations and regulatory law.

Nadia is a recommended junior counsel by Doyles Guide. Nadia runs a busy practice where she is regularly briefed for litigation, advice, drafting and complex workplace matters (such as high-risk investigations and media-sensitive disputes). Nadia has a special interest in regulatory schemes specific to employment law around Australia (such as the wage theft and labour hire licensing schemes) as well as cases involving the interpretation of enterprise agreements and modern awards.

Nadia has managed a wide range of employment matters involving a broad suite of industrial issues such as breaches of employment contracts/modern awards/enterprise agreements/statutes, industrial negotiations, sham contracting, Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) civil remedy provision contraventions, underpayment claims, workplace bullying, discrimination, general protections, unfair dismissal, annualised salary concerns, bonus scheme disputes and employee record exemption issues under privacy legislation.