Director, Forensic Phonetics Australia, Armidale
Dr Helen Fraser is Director of Forensic Phonetics Australia, and Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of New England, NSW. A major strand of her research over the past two decades has investigated problems and solutions related to transcription of indistinct covert recordings used as evidence in criminal trials. Recently she has led a Call to Action from peak linguistics organisations to the Australian judiciary, asking for review and reform of legal practices for handling covert recordings in light of well-established findings of the language sciences. For additional information, visit forensictranscription.com.au.
Dr Helen Fraser is Director of Forensic Phonetics Australia, and Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of New England, NSW. A major strand of her research over the past two decades has investigated problems and solutions related to transcription of indistinct covert recordings used as evidence in criminal trials. Recently she has led a Call to Action from peak linguistics organisations to the Australian judiciary, asking for review and reform of legal practices for handling covert recordings in light of well-established findings of the language sciences. For additional information, visit forensictranscription.com.au.