Senior Lecturer – The University of Sydney
Belinda was appointed as a senior lecturer at the University of Sydney Law School in 2015. Prior to this she worked as a Law Fellow at the O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law, Georgetown University Law Center. Belinda was awarded her PhD from Sydney Law School in 2014. Her current research explores the legal and regulatory options for creating a healthier food environment, including through product reformulation initiatives, restrictions on food advertising to children, and innovative measures at local government level. She was the co-convener of the inaugural 2016 Food Governance Conference at the University of Sydney, and is co-founder of the Food Governance Node at the Charles Perkins Centre, a platform for cross-disciplinary research on novel legal, regulatory and policy strategies to improve nutrition and diet-related health.
Belinda was appointed as a senior lecturer at the University of Sydney Law School in 2015. Prior to this she worked as a Law Fellow at the O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law, Georgetown University Law Center. Belinda was awarded her PhD from Sydney Law School in 2014. Her current research explores the legal and regulatory options for creating a healthier food environment, including through product reformulation initiatives, restrictions on food advertising to children, and innovative measures at local government level. She was the co-convener of the inaugural 2016 Food Governance Conference at the University of Sydney, and is co-founder of the Food Governance Node at the Charles Perkins Centre, a platform for cross-disciplinary research on novel legal, regulatory and policy strategies to improve nutrition and diet-related health.