Barrister, Maurice Byers Chambers, Sydney
Anton Hughes was admitted as a Lawyer in 2009, before being called to the bar in 2013. He has many published many articles including Can Giving Evidence Waive Legal Professional Privilege? Law Society Journal (February 2014, Law Society of NSW) and Case Brief: Bilski v Kappos (2010) 20 Journal of Law, Information and Science 229. He is currently a member of the Faculty of Law at the University of Tasmania in Hobart.
Anton Hughes was admitted as a Lawyer in 2009, before being called to the bar in 2013. He has many published many articles including Can Giving Evidence Waive Legal Professional Privilege? Law Society Journal (February 2014, Law Society of NSW) and Case Brief: Bilski v Kappos (2010) 20 Journal of Law, Information and Science 229. He is currently a member of the Faculty of Law at the University of Tasmania in Hobart.