Barrister, Tenth Floor St James Hall - Sydney
Ingrid King has been in legal practice since 1994 and has a special interest in regulatory and corporate litigation. Her other practice areas include land and environment law, employment law, equity, and insolvency law. Ingrid also teaches Securities Markets Law at UTS and has taught Takeovers and Securities Industries Law at ANU. Ingrid is a member of the Banking and Finance Lawyers Association. Prior to coming to the Bar, Ingrid worked in-house (in financial services and government) and in private practice as a litigation solicitor.
Ingrid King has been in legal practice since 1994 and has a special interest in regulatory and corporate litigation. Her other practice areas include land and environment law, employment law, equity, and insolvency law. Ingrid also teaches Securities Markets Law at UTS and has taught Takeovers and Securities Industries Law at ANU. Ingrid is a member of the Banking and Finance Lawyers Association. Prior to coming to the Bar, Ingrid worked in-house (in financial services and government) and in private practice as a litigation solicitor.