Buying and Selling Small to Medium Enterprises
Anurag Verma, Ursula Hogben
  • Duration: 50:44
  • Date Published: 14 Dec 2017
Power of Attorney, Fiduciary Obligations and Liability of Third Parties
Andrew Bulley, Richard McCullagh
  • Duration: 53:38
  • Date Published: 13 Dec 2017
Recent Developments in Bankruptcy Law
Ian Benson, James Johnson
  • Duration: 33:23
  • Date Published: 12 Dec 2017
The Unacceptable Risk Test for Sexual Abuse
Dina Lioumis, Professor Patrick Parkinson AM
  • Duration: 59:12
  • Date Published: 07 Dec 2017
Section 32 Applications
Evan James, Karen Weeks, The Hon. Gregory James AM QC
  • Duration: 50:59
  • Date Published: 06 Dec 2017
The Child Sexual Offence Evidence Pilot Scheme
Anthony Bellanto QC, Ye Catherine Lin
  • Duration: 55:27
  • Date Published: 05 Dec 2017
Penalties and their Interaction with Finance Contracts
Andrew Smorchevsky, Gregory Burton SC
  • Duration: 29:29
  • Date Published: 04 Dec 2017
Christopher Athanassios, Nicholas Mirzai
  • Duration: 1:04:43
  • Date Published: 28 Nov 2017
Negligence and Consent in the Medical Profession – Part 2
Andrew Saxton, Anthony Bartley SC
  • Duration: 46:52
  • Date Published: 27 Nov 2017
Negligence and Consent in the Medical Profession – Part 1
Andrew Saxton, Anthony Bartley SC
  • Duration: 52:59
  • Date Published: 24 Nov 2017